How to order

Welcome to our store!

We're delighted that you've chosen to place an order with us. To make the process as straightforward as possible, please follow these steps:

Browsing our catalog

Browse through our wide range of products and select the ones that catch your interest. If you have any questions or need assistance with your selection, feel free to contact us. We're here to help!

Basket checkout

After choosing your desired products, view zour shopping cart and proceed to our checkout section.

If you have a promo code enter it here in Promo code field (grey).

Placing an order

Fill in all the required information, including your address and contact details. Don't forget to specify the country of delivery where the products will be shipped at the top.

Shipping methods

For the delivery of your products, you have the option to choose from various shipping methods. Standard postal service is available in most cases, taking around 8-10 days for delivery, though the time may vary depending on the destination. If needed, you can opt for express services such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, or Packeta (Zásilkovna) for European shipments.

Delivery time:
Standard shipping takes 8-10 days, but it may vary. Express services are available.

Shipping costs:
Standard shipping costs up to 20 USD. Express service costs calculated separately.

Payment options

We offer several payment methods. You can pay through PayPal, Comgate, or by bank transfer. Choose the option that best suits your preferences.

We recommend PayPal as the fastest way of paying.

Click on your choice and continue filling your delivery address.

On the right side is green button FINISH ORDER AND PAY. This will lead you to payment section and processing your order.

Have questions?

Feel free to reach out. We're here to help. Thanks for choosing us!

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