PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/537FRUIT PACKTIP CEO Last items in stock FRUIT PACK Constitution class - NCC-1701-A - FruitPACK FP 17 $180.04 Fruit pack of resins and photo etch details sets for NCC-1701-A from STAR TREK V-VI for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 refit / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/537FRUIT PACKTIP CEO Last items in stock FRUIT PACK Constitution class - NCC-1701 refit - FruitPACK FP 16 $181.24 Fruit pack of resins and photo etch details sets for NCC-1701 Refit from STAR TREK The Motion Picture for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 refit / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A - VIP_Officers Mess 12721-1/537 $24.44 Resin detail set with photo etch of more detailed and accurate NCC-1701-A VIP Officer´s Mess from STAR TREK VI - The Undiscovered Country for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit - Officer´s Lounge 12621-1/537 $24.98 Resin detail set with photo etch of more detailed and accurate NCC-1701 Refit - Officer´s Lounge from STAR TREK The Motion Picture for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 refit / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Inter-Cooler assembly 12521-1/537 $23.17 Resin detail set of Inter-cooler assembly for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Hangar entrance 12421-1/537 $27.71 Resin detail with photo etch set of close main hangar entrance for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - planetary sensors 12321-1/537 $27.71 Resin detail set of lower planetary sensor dome for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Navigation deflector 12221-1/537 $32.23 Resin detail set with photo etch of navigation deflector for U.S.S. Enterprise refit from STAR TREK The Motion Picture and STAR TREK II-VI of Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Main bridge 12121-1/537 $24.26 Resin detail set with photo etch of main bridge for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Impulse engine 12021-1/537 $29.24 Resin detail set with photo etch of impulse engine for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/537 for AMT kit Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/537FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK Miranda class - late version (dominion war) - FruitPACK FP 15 $221.30 Resin detail set with photo etch of Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/537FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK Miranda class - early version - FruitPACK FP 14 $195.10 Resin detail set with photo etch of Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/1000 In stock VACU CANOPY U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from Discovery VC07-1/1000 $12.13 Crystal clear acetate vacuum canopy for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from STAR TREK Discovery TV show Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864 Miranda class - Exterior 11720-1/537 $64.82 Photo etch detail set for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan movie and STAR TREK Deep Space nine, The next generatins, Voyager for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Miranda class - WARP nacelles field grills 11620-1/537 $30.96 Photo etch detail set of WARP field grills for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from STAR TREK Deep Space nine (Dominion war) for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Inter-Cooler assembly 11520-1/537 $23.17 Resin detail set of Inter-cooler assembly for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Fusion power Core 11420-1/537 $34.04 Resin detail set of one top and two versions of bottom fusion power core for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit and late version from STAR TREK Deep Space nine Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Navigation Deflector & Sensor 11320-1/537 $27.71 Resin detail set of lower sensor and navigation deflector dome for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Impulse engine 11220-1/537 $27.43 Resin detail set with photo etch of impulse engine for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Main bridge 11120-1/537 $24.26 Resin detail set with photo etch of main bridge for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Phaser & Torpedo launchers 11020-1/537 $28.61 Resin detail set of weapons system for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan for AMT kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/1000TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 - Discovery 10920-1/1000 $34.04 Photo etch detail set for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 scale 1/1000 from new STAR TREK TV show Discovery. Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/1000TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 - Bridge - Discovery 10820-1/1000 $27.34 Resin detail set with photo etch and vacu canopy for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from STAR TREK Discovery TV show Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/350FRUIT PACKTIP CEO Last items in stock FRUIT PACK Klingon Bird of Prey - B´rel class - FruitPACK FP 13 $108.54 Resin detail set with photo etch of extreior and radiator for moving wings for Klingon Bird of Prey – B´rel class for AMT model kit from STAR TREK Search for Spock movie. Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Klingon Bird of Prey - B´rel class - radiators 10620-1/350 $79.92 Resin detail set with photo etch of radiator for moving wings for Klingon Bird of Prey – B´rel class for AMT model kit from STAR TREK Search for Spock movie. Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Klingon Bird of Prey - B´rel class 10520-1/350 $58.64 Resin detail set with photo etch for Klingon Bird of Prey – B´rel class for AMT model kit from STAR TREK Search for Spock movie. Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/2500TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Shenzhou NCC-1227 - Discovery 10320-1/2500 $33.13 Photo etch detail set for U.S.S. Shenzhou NCC-1227 scale 1/2500 from new STAR TREK TV show Discovery. Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/2500TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 - Discovery 10220-1/2500 $33.13 Photo etch detail set for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 scale 1/2500 from new STAR TREK TV show Discovery. 1/2500 Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK K´tinga class - shuttle bay 09820-1/350 $37.12 Resin hangar bay with photo etch for K´tinga class Klingon battle cruiser from STAR TREK the motion picture 1979. for “Polar Lights“ model scale 1/350 Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/1000TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B 09320-1/1000 $56.86 Photo etch detail set with resin for U.S.S. Enteprise NCC-1701-B from Star Trek Generations Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK I.K.S. Amar - K´tinga class 09019-1/350 $35.47 Photo etch detail set for K´tinga class Klingon ship from STAR TREK the motion picture 1979. for “Polar Lights“ model scale 1/350 Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/1000TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK NX_NCC-74205 U.S.S. Defiant - engines & hangars 08919-1/1000 $37.48 Resin detail set with clear parts for easy lighting and photo etch for U.S.S. Defiant from “Polar Lights“ model scale 1/1000 from STAR TREK Deep Space Nine. Add to cart
PackFor kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/2500FRUIT PACKTIP CEO Last items in stock FRUIT PACK U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031 - FruitPACK FP 09 $54.46 Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/420FRUIT PACKTIP CEO Last items in stock FRUIT PACK U.S.S. Defiant NX / NCC-74205 - FruitPACK FP 08 $126.89 Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/2500TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031 - Hangar 08419-1/2500 $23.72 Photo etch detail set of shuttle bay for U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031 from Polar Lights model in 1/2500 scale from new STAR TREK TV show Discovery. Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/1000TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Grissom & Klingon Bird of Prey 08219-1/1000 $31.19 Photo etch detail set of two ships U.S.S. Grissom NCC-638 and Klingon Bird of Prey from Polar Lights in scale 1/1000 from "STAR TREK III Search for Spock " Add to cart