In stock LABELS Label ”T-65 X-Wing” 05218-N/A $18.48 Display placards for T-65 X-Wing. The set contains two photo etches. The one is designed as a label with a model's name and the other one is meant to be a basement itself for model's exposition. The label can be installed on the basement provided in a model's collection as well as on your own basement. Add to cart
Scale: 1/32 In stock FIGURES & BUSTS Colonial mechanic 132021 $34.16 Full resin figure of female Colonial machanic without helemt Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 Last items in stock STAR WARS T-65 X-Wing – nozzles 03317-1/72 $19.79 Resin upgraded detail set for T-65B X-Wing engines from the original Star Wars trilogy and Star Wars Rogue One from Bandai model kit in 1/72 scale.masks for inner engines grills are included Add to cart
In stock LABELS Label ”TIE Fighter” 05418-N/A $18.48 Display placards for TIE Fighter. The set contains two photo etches. The one is designed as a label with a model's name and the other one is meant to be a basement itself for model's exposition. The label can be installed on the basement provided in a model's collection as well as on your own basement. Add to cart
For kit: Moebius ModelsNEW PRODUCT PREORDER - estimated stock in April BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Battlestar Pegasus - Landing Bay 21624-1/4105 $124.58 PREORDER Photo etch detail set of whole new super detailed landing bay for Battlestar Pegasus for ”Moebius” kit Add to cart
Online onlyFor kit: RevellFor kit: ZvezdaScale: 1/2700 Last items in stock STAR WARS Star Destroyer - Engines Bells 03417-1/2700 $63.23 Photo etch and resin detail set for Imperial Star Destroyer - Engines Bells from the original Star Wars trilogy and Star Wars story: Rogue One for Zvezda / Revell model kit in 1/2700 scale. Add to cart
PREORDER - estimated stock in April BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Battlestar Pegasus - exterior 21524-1/4105 $49.85 PREORDER Photo etch detail set of exterior Battlestar Pegasus for ”Moebius” kit Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/48 In stock STAR WARS AT-ST 04017-1/48 $36.95 Photo etch detail set and correction set for AT-ST walker from Bandai in 1/48 scale. All Terrain Armored Transport from movie Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Return of the Jedi.Foil and color print with instruments panels are included Add to cart
PREORDER - estimated stock in April FRUIT PACK Battlestar Pegasus - FruitPACK FP 34 $173.32 PREORDER Complete set for Battlestar Pegasus - everythingin one box. Add to cart
-10%For kit: BandaiScale: 1/14727 In stock STAR WARS Star Destroyer Bandai 001 03917-1/14727 $16.51 $18.35 Photo etch and resin detail set for Imperial Star Detroyer from the original Star Wars trilogy and Star Wars story: Rogue One for Bandail kit 001 Add to cart
For kit: RevellFor kit: ZvezdaScale: 1/2700 Last items in stock STAR WARS Star Destroyer - Hangar Bay 03617-1/2700 $76.43 Photo etch detail set for Imperial Star Destroyer - Hangar Bay from the original Star Wars trilogy and Star Wars story: Rogue One for Zvezda / Revell model kit in 1/2700 scale. Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/48 Last items in stock STAR WARS Snowspeeder 05018-1/48 $36.83 Photo etch detail set and correction set for Snowspeeder from Bandai in 1/48 scale from Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. Foil with windows , instrument with dash board instruments is included. Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 In stock STAR WARS TIE Fighter - cutaway 04918-1/72 $43.81 Photo etch and resin detail set for TIE Fighter from the original Star Wars trilogy series from Bandai model kit in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
For kit: RevellFor kit: ZvezdaScale: 1/2700 In stock STAR WARS Star Destroyer - Deflector flaps 05518-1/2700 $29.26 Photo etch detail set for Imperial Star Destroyer - Deflector flaps from the original Star Wars trilogy for Zvezda / Revell model kit in 1/2700 scale. Add to cart
For kit: RevellFor kit: ZvezdaScale: 1/2700 Expedition in 15 days STAR WARS Star Destroyer - Shield generator 05618-1/2700 $26.39 Photo etch and resin detail set for Imperial Star Destroyer - Shield generator from the original Star Wars trilogy and Star Wars story: Rogue One for Zvezda / Revell model kit in 1/2700 scale. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 Last items in stock STAR WARS Hangar equipment Vol.II - Service ramp 05718-1/72 $52.77 Hangar equipment Vol.II - Service ramp - Resin kit with photo etch of rebel´s service ramp from echo base nad Yavin. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 In stock FIGURES & BUSTS Hangar crew vol.II 72002 $20.46 3 resin figures of one A-Wing and 2 Y-Wing pilots talking about battle situation. Characters are from the original Star Wars trilogy series for any models in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 Last items in stock STAR WARS A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighter 06118-1/72 $31.07 Photoetch detail set B-Wing for Bandai model kit in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 In stock FIGURES & BUSTS Hangar crew vol.III 72003 $21.05 3 resin figures of 2 mechanics and one power droid. Characters are from the original Star Wars trilogy series for any models in 1/72 scale Add to cart
For kit: Moebius ModelsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK NX-326 U.S.S. Franklin 06218-1/350 $48.50 Photo etch and resin parts detail set for U.S.S. Franklin for Moebius model scale 1/350 from STAR TREK - beyond movie. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 In stock FIGURES & BUSTS Hangar crew vol.I 72001 $20.46 3 resin figures of 2 mechanics and one X-Wing pilot. Characters are from the original Star Wars trilogy series for any models in 1/72 scale Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 Last items in stock STAR WARS YT-1300 "Millennium Falcon" - exterior 06318-1/72 $36.05 Photo etch detail set for Millennium Falcon from the original Star Wars trilogy series from Bandai PERFECT GRADE model kit in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 In stock STAR WARS YT-1300 "Millennium Falcon" - Landing gears 06418-1/72 $45.76 Photo etch detail set for Millennium Falcon from the original Star Wars trilogy series from Bandai PERFECT GRADE model kit in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 Last items in stock FIGURES & BUSTS Hangar crew vol.IV 72004 $20.46 Three resin figures of running pilots. Characters are from the original Star Wars series for any models in 1/72 scale Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 Last items in stock STAR WARS YT-1300 "Millennium Falcon" PG - Cockpit & gun wells 06518-1/72 $36.05 Photo etch detail set for Millennium Falcon from the original Star Wars trilogy series from Bandai PERFECT GRADE model kit in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
For kit: BandaiScale: 1/72 In stock STAR WARS YT-1300 "Millennium Falcon" - Landing and position lights 06618-1/72 $27.68 Universal photo etch detail set for Millennium Falcon from the original Star Wars trilogy series for Bandai PERFECT GRADE model kit or Finemolds / Revell in 1/72 scale. Add to cart
In stock LABELS Label A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighter 05818-N/A $18.48 Display placards for B-Wing. The set contains two photo etches. The one is designed as a label with a model's name and the other one is meant to be a basement itself for model's exposition. The label can be installed on the basement provided in a model's collection as well as on your own basement. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 Last items in stock MODEL ACCESSORIES Hangar equipment vol. III - boxes 06718-1/72 $19.80 Universal resin boxes for STAR WARS hangar diorama Add to cart
In stock LABELS Label Star Destroyer 05918-N/A $18.48 Display placards for Star Destroyer. The set contains two photo etches. The one is designed as a label with a model's name and the other one is meant to be a basement itself for model's exposition. The label can be installed on the basement provided in a model's collection as well as on your own basement. Add to cart
For kit: Moebius ModelsScale: 1/144 In stock 2001: SPACE ODYSSEY Discovery XD-1 - cockpit & exterior 06919-1/144 $46.61 Photo etch detail set with stickers for Discovery XD-1 from the pods from 2001: Space Odyssey movie for Moebius model kit in 1/144 scale. Add to cart
In stock LABELS Label Snowspeeder 06018-N/A $18.48 Display placards for Snowspeeder. The set contains two photo etches. The one is designed as a label with a model's name and the other one is meant to be a basement itself for model's exposition. The label can be installed on the basement provided in a model's collection as well as on your own basement. Add to cart
For kit: Moebius ModelsScale: 1/144 In stock 2001: SPACE ODYSSEY Discovery XD-1 - EVA pods 06819-1/144 $33.42 Full resin kit with photo etch and decals of EVA pods from 2001: Space Odyssey movie Add to cart
For kit: Moebius ModelsScale: 1/144 In stock 2001: SPACE ODYSSEY Discovery XD-1 - Hangar bay 07019-1/144 $96.99 Full resin kit with decals and sticker for pod bay with airlock, computer room and warehouse for Discovery XD-1 from the 2001: Space Odyssey movie for Moebius model kit in 1/144 scale. Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 In stock FIGURES & BUSTS Hangar crew vol.V 72005 $29.48 5 resin figures of driver, trooper, 2 X-Wing pilots and one A-Wing pilot. Characters are from the original Star Wars trilogy series for any models in 1/72 scale Add to cart
On sale!For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A (refit) 07119-1/537 $50.79 Photo etch detail set for refit U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 AMT model kit in 1/537 scale Add to cart
Scale: 1/72 In stock FIGURES & BUSTS Hangar crew vol.VI 72006 $24.50 3 resin figures of mechanics and one guard. Characters are from the original Star Wars trilogy series for any models in 1/72 scale. Add to cart