Scale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Shuttles type F - TOS 16922-1/350 $30.33 Full resin kit with photo etch of Shuttles type F from Star Trek original series in 1/350 scaleDecals with markings and windows are included Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK NCC-1701 (refit) - Bridge 16722-1/350 $43.50 Resin detail set with photo etch of main bridge including interior for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class NCC-1701 (refit) star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK NCC-1701-A - Bridge 16622-1/350 $43.14 Resin detail set with photo etch and decals of main bridge for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class NCC-1701-A star ship including interior in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK NCC-1701-TOS - Bridge 16422-1/350 $39.99 Resin detail set with photo etch of main bridge including interior for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class TOS star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Impulse engine 17022-1/350 $49.04 Resin detail set with photo etch of impulse engine for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit - Officer´s Lounge 17122-1/350 $28.88 Resin detail set with photo etch of more detailed and accurate NCC-1701 Refit - Officer´s Lounge from STAR TREK The Motion Picture for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 refit / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A - VIP_Officers Mess 17222-1/350 $29.13 Resin detail set with photo etch of more detailed and accurate NCC-1701-A VIP Officer´s Mess from STAR TREK VI - The Undiscovered Country for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 - TOS 16322-1/350 $49.59 Photo etch detail set for the original series U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 for Polar Lights model kit in 1/350 scale. Add to cart
PackFor kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK Oberth class - FruitPACK FP 26 $132.15 Photo etch detail set of Oberth class star ship U.S.S. Grissom from Star Trek III The Search for Spock or S.S. VICO late version of Oberth class star ship Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/72FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK "Razor Crest" AMT - FruitPACK FP 25 $289.61 Resin and photo etch detail set for Madalorian Razor Crest from AMT Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/72 In stock STAR WARS "Razor crest" - Cockpit 18022-1/72 $55.04 Complete whole new super accurate cockpit with back compartment with ladder of "Razor Crest" from STAR WARS - Mandalorian for AMT kit. Add to cart
For kit: AMTFor kit: RevellScale: 1/72 In stock STAR WARS "Razor crest" - VTOL Thrusters 18622-1/72 $37.42 Complete whole new super accurate VTOL thrusters for "Razor Crest" from STAR WARS - Mandalorian for AMT kit. Add to cart