On sale!For kit: RevellScale: 1/670TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 – Shuttle bay 13121-1/670 $45.62 Photo etch Hangar bay for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 for Revell kit from STAR TREK Voyager TV show Add to cart
On sale!For kit: RevellScale: 1/670TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 – Landing gear 13221-1/670 $49.96 Resin and photo etch landing gears for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 for Revell kit from STAR TREK Voyager TV show Add to cart
On sale!For kit: RevellScale: 1/670TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 13021-1/670 $59.39 Photo etch detail set for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 for Revell kit from STAR TREK Voyager TV show Add to cart
PackFor kit: RevellScale: 1/670FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 - FruitPACK FP 18 $131.50 Fruit pack of resins and photo etched detail sets for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 from STAR TREK Voyager for Revell kit Add to cart
For kit: RevellScale: 1/670TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Intrepid class - Sensors array 15221-1/670 $35.84 Resin detail set for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 for Revell from STAR TREK Voyager TV show Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/72TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Danube class - Cockpit (TNG Version) 14321-1/72 $105.31 Whole new cockpit of Runabout - Danube class starship from Star Trek - The Next Generation Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/72TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Danube class - Habitat mission module 14721-1/72 $139.81 Whole new crew quarers of Runabout - Danube class starship from Star Trek - The Next Generation Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/72TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Danube class - Cockpit (DS9 Version) 14821-1/72 $124.03 Whole new cockpit of Runabout - Danube class starship from Star Trek - Deep Space nine Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/72TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Danube class - exterior 15622-1/72 $109.28 Photo etch and resin exterior detail set for Danube class Runabout from STAR TREK - The Next Generation and STAR TREK - Deep Space Nine Add to cart
For kit: AMTScale: 1/537TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Miranda class - Hangar bay - 12821-1/537 12821-1/537 $125.10 Resin and photo etch hangar bay for U.S.S. Reliant / Miranda class star ship in scale 1/537 from movie STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan and STAR TREK Deep Space nine (Dominion war) for AMT kit Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/72FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK Danube class - TNG version - FruitPACK FP 21 $300.43 Resin and photo etch detail set with decals for Runabout - Danube class starship from Star Trek - The Next Generation Add to cart
PackFor kit: AMTScale: 1/72FRUIT PACKTIP CEO Last items in stock FRUIT PACK Danube class - DS9 version - FruitPACK FP 22 $316.32 Resin and photo etch detail set with decals for Runabout - Danube class starship from Star Trek - Deep Space Nine Add to cart