On sale!For kit: RevellScale: 1/670TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 13021-1/670 $59.39 Photo etch detail set for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 for Revell kit from STAR TREK Voyager TV show Add to cart
PackFor kit: RevellScale: 1/670FRUIT PACKTIP CEO In stock FRUIT PACK U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 - FruitPACK FP 18 $131.50 Fruit pack of resins and photo etched detail sets for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 from STAR TREK Voyager for Revell kit Add to cart
For kit: RevellScale: 1/670TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Intrepid class - Sensors array 15221-1/670 $35.84 Resin detail set for Intrepid class star ship of U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 for Revell from STAR TREK Voyager TV show Add to cart
Scale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Shuttles type F - NCC-1701 - TOS 17622-1/350 $30.33 Full resin kit with photo etch of Shuttles type F from Star Trek original series in 1/350 scale for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701Decals with markings and windows are included Add to cart
Scale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK Shuttles type F - TOS 16922-1/350 $30.33 Full resin kit with photo etch of Shuttles type F from Star Trek original series in 1/350 scaleDecals with markings and windows are included Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK NCC-1701 (refit) - Bridge 16722-1/350 $43.50 Resin detail set with photo etch of main bridge including interior for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class NCC-1701 (refit) star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK NCC-1701-A - Bridge 16622-1/350 $43.14 Resin detail set with photo etch and decals of main bridge for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class NCC-1701-A star ship including interior in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK NCC-1701-TOS - Bridge 16422-1/350 $39.99 Resin detail set with photo etch of main bridge including interior for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class TOS star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK Constitution class (refit) - Impulse engine 17022-1/350 $49.04 Resin detail set with photo etch of impulse engine for U.S.S. Enterprise / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO Last items in stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit - Officer´s Lounge 17122-1/350 $28.88 Resin detail set with photo etch of more detailed and accurate NCC-1701 Refit - Officer´s Lounge from STAR TREK The Motion Picture for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 refit / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A - VIP_Officers Mess 17222-1/350 $29.13 Resin detail set with photo etch of more detailed and accurate NCC-1701-A VIP Officer´s Mess from STAR TREK VI - The Undiscovered Country for U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A / Constitution class refit star ship in scale 1/350 for Polar Lights kit Add to cart
For kit: Polar LightsScale: 1/350TIP CEO In stock STAR TREK U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 - TOS 16322-1/350 $49.59 Photo etch detail set for the original series U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 for Polar Lights model kit in 1/350 scale. Add to cart